Hire Defib & AED Now!
Rent or Buy AEDs for Every Occasion – Flexible Short-Term Rentals Delivered Australia-Wide.
For every minute that goes by without defibrillation, a cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival decrease by about 10% per minute. Having a defibrillator nearby in an emergency is the difference between life and death. You can use a defib even if you haven’t had training.
In an emergency, simply turn on the defib, and follow the voice prompts on what to do. It will instruct you on everything from sticking the pads on to how to do CPR. It analyses the patients heart and will not deliver a shock to someone that does not need one.
Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in Australia
Over 10,000 Australians suffer sudden cardiac arrest each year.
Essentially all defibs work the same. Turn the defib on, stick the pads on the chest and follow the voice prompt instructions.
The brands of defibs we hire include:
Defibrillators are expensive. You may only have a short term need such as an upcoming event. A short term hire may be your best option.
1 to 7 days
Up to 14 days
Up to 30 days
30 days +
* Indicative prices
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